Podcast coverage

July 8, 2015

Video interview on complex financial products and Asian banking in the financial website, World Finance

There is a video interview on complex financial products and Asian banking, titled, 'Simplified instruments key to Asian banking dominance' in the financial website, World Finance. You can read it here.
June 23, 2015

Video interview on corporate governance reform in Japan in the financial website, World Finance

There is a video interview of mine, titled, 'Japan will hurt if Western-style governance reform adopted' in the financial website, World Finance. You can watch it here.
May 10, 2015

Interview with Real News Network on 'Economics: The User's Guide' (in 6 parts)

There is an interview of mine with Real News Network on 'Economics: The User's Guide' (in 6 parts). You can watch it here.
March 23, 2015

Podcast of my lecture, 'What can economics learn from science fiction?', launching the PERC (Political Economy Research Centre) at Goldsmiths, University of London

I gave a lecture, titled, 'What can economics learn from science fiction?', launching the PERC (Political Economy Research Centre) at Goldsmiths, University of London. You can hear the podcast here.
January 5, 2015

Featured in the podcast from the Economist Intelligence Unit, 'Can the state drive innovation?'

I am featured, together with Mariana Mazzucato in the podcast from the Economist Intelligence Unit, 'Can the state drive innovation?' You can watch it here.
April 30, 2014

Interview audio podcast on my new book, 'Economics: The User's Guide' in the Prospect magazine website

There is an audio podcast of my interview with the Prospect magazine on my new book, 'Economics: The User's Guide', on the magazine's website. You can listen to it here.
April 21, 2014

Interview in the Dialogos Media, Greece: podcast (both in Greek and in English) and transcript (in English)

I have been interviewed by the Dialogos Media of Greece. You can hear the podcast in English here and in Greek here. The English transcript is here.
December 21, 2012

video interview in the Guardian Global Development pages, 'Growth in developing world shouldn't overexcite people'

There is a video podcast of an interview, titled, 'Growth in developing world shouldn't overexcite people' in the Guardian website's Global Development pages. You can watch the interview here.
November 5, 2012

Video interview, 'In the end, policies are decided on the street' in the Guardian Global Development pages

There is a video interview of me, titled, 'In the end, policies are decided on the street' in the Guardian Global Development pages. You can view it here.
October 21, 2012

Video interview with the Guardian on microfinance

There is a short video interview of me with the Guardian on microfinance. You can watch it here. The interview is part of a bigger feature article by Claire Provost, which you can read here.