Recent Papers
Journal of Institutional Economics - reply
Reply to comments on ‘Institutions and economic development: Theory, policy, and history’
Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark: How development has disappeared form today's 'development' discourse
in S. Khan & J. Christiansen (eds.), Towards New Developmentalism: Market as Means rather than Master, Routledge, Abingdon
How to 'do' a Developmental State: Political, Organisational, and Human Resource Requirements for the Developmental State
in O. Edigheji (ed.), Constructing a Democratic Developmental State in South Africa – Potentials and Challenges, Human Science Research Council Press, Cape Town
Industrial Policy: Can we go beyond an unproductive confrontation? - paper presented at the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics
Industrial Policy: Can we go beyond an unproductive confrontation?
A Plenary Paper for ABCDE (Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics), Seoul, South Korea, 22-4, Revised: 30 September 2009
The Microfinance Illusion
with M. Bateman, mimeo, University of Juraj Dobrila Pula, Croatia, and University of Cambridge, UK
Economic History of the Developed World: Lessons for Africa - a speech for the Eminent Speakers Programme of the African Development Bank
A debate between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang on Industrial Policy
Should industrial policy in developing countries conform to comparative advantage or defy it?
Development Policy Review vol. 27, no. 5
Rethinking Public Policy in Agriculture - Lessons from History, Distant and Recent
Rethinking Public Policy in Agriculture
Journal of Peasant Studies vol. 36, no. 3
Under-explored Treasure Troves of Development Lessons - Lessons from the Histories of Small Rich European Countries
in M. Kremer, P. van Lieshoust & R. Went (eds.), Doing Good or Doing Better – Development Policies in a Globalising World, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam
State-owned Enterprise Reform
in UNDESA (United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs) (ed.), National Development Strategies – Policy Notes