Recent Papers

Here are a collection of papers of mine you may want to read
January 5, 2010

Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark: How development has disappeared form today's 'development' discourse

Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark: How development has disappeared from today’s ‘development’ discourse

in S. Khan & J. Christiansen (eds.), Towards New Developmentalism: Market as Means rather than Master, Routledge, Abingdon

January 5, 2010

How to 'do' a Developmental State: Political, Organisational, and Human Resource Requirements for the Developmental State

How to 'do' a developmental state. Political, Organizational, and Human Resource Requirements for the Developmental State

in O. Edigheji (ed.), Constructing a Democratic Developmental State in South Africa – Potentials and Challenges, Human Science Research Council Press, Cape Town

September 30, 2009

Industrial Policy: Can we go beyond an unproductive confrontation? - paper presented at the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics

Industrial Policy: Can we go beyond an unproductive confrontation?

A Plenary Paper for ABCDE (Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics), Seoul, South Korea, 22-4, Revised: 30 September 2009

March 5, 2009

The Microfinance Illusion

The Microfinance Illusion

with M. Bateman, mimeo, University of Juraj Dobrila Pula, Croatia, and University of Cambridge, UK

February 26, 2009

Economic History of the Developed World: Lessons for Africa - a speech for the Eminent Speakers Programme of the African Development Bank

Economic History of the Developed World: Lessons for Africa

January 5, 2009

A debate between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang on Industrial Policy

Should industrial policy in developing countries conform to comparative advantage or defy it?

Development Policy Review vol. 27, no. 5

January 5, 2009

Rethinking Public Policy in Agriculture - Lessons from History, Distant and Recent

Rethinking Public Policy in Agriculture

Journal of Peasant Studies vol. 36, no. 3

January 5, 2009

Under-explored Treasure Troves of Development Lessons - Lessons from the Histories of Small Rich European Countries

Under-explored Treasure Troves of Development Lessons – Lessons from the Histories of Small Rich European Countries (SRECs)

in M. Kremer, P. van Lieshoust & R. Went (eds.), Doing Good or Doing Better – Development Policies in a Globalising World, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam

January 5, 2008

State-owned Enterprise Reform

State-owned Enterprise Reform

in UNDESA (United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs) (ed.), National Development Strategies – Policy Notes

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