Recent Papers
A new article on ideological bias among economists, 'Who Said or What Said?: Estimating Ideological Bias in Views Among Economists'
I have new article on ideological bias among economists, 'Who Said or What Said?: Estimating Ideological Bias in Views Among Economists' (co-author: Mohsen Javdani), coming out in Cambridge Journal of Economics. Who Said or What Said CJE Revision Final
A new article, 'Natura Non Facit Saltus: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Industrialisation Across Developing Countries'
I have a new article, 'Natura Non Facit Saltus: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Industrialisation Across Developing Countries' (co-authors Antonio Andreoni and Mateus Labrunie) in the journal, European Journal of Development Research EJDR Natura Non Facit Saltus Challenges
A new article, 'The Missing Dimensions of the Human Capabilities Approach: Collective and Productive'
There is a new article, 'The Missing Dimensions of the Human Capabilities Approach: Collective and Productive' (co-authors: Antonio Andreoni and Isabel Estevez) in the journal, European Journal of Development Research EJDR The Missing Dimensions Of The Human
A new article, 'Industrial Policy in the 21st Century' in the journal, Development and Change
There is a new article with Antonio Andreoni, 'Industrial Policy in the 21st Century' in the journal, Development and Change Chang Andreoni Development and Change
I have a new paper on Asian industrialisation over the last five decades, published as a working paper from WIDER (World Institute for Development Economics Research), Helsinki.
I have a new paper, titled, 'Industrial Development in Asia - Trends in Industrialisation and Industrial Policy Experiences of Developing Asia', published as a working paper from WIDER (World Institute for Development Economics Research), Helsinki. It is co-authored with Kiryl Zach. You can download it from here (Chang Zach WIDER working paper)
'Bringing production and employment back into development' with Antonio Andreoni
A major report for the UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa)
I have co-authored (with Jostein Hauge and Muhammad Irfan) a major report for the UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa), Transformative Industrial Policy for Africa. The report can be downloaded from here.New article on microfinance in World Economic Review
There is a new article on microfinance, co-authored with Milford Bateman, in the first issue of World Economic Review, the new open access journal from the World Economic Association. The article significantly updates our earlier paper, 'The Microfinance Illusion'. You can download the whole journal issue from here.Incentives, Capabilities, and Space
in C. Pietrobelli & Rajah Rasiah (eds.), Evidence-based Development Economics – Essays in Honour of Sanjaya Lall, University of Malay Press, Kuala Lumpur, forthcoming (2012)
Journal of Institutional Economics
Institutions and economic development: Theory, policy, and history