Books I've edited

Six of these were edited with other people (numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 in the list below).

These are all rather serious academic volumes, but those who are academically interested in the issues that these books cover will find quite a lot of interesting chapters by leading researchers in the field.

  1. The Transformation of the Communist Economies Against the Mainstream, Macmillan, London and Basingstoke, 1995 (co-editor: Peter Nolan). buy it from Amazon
  2. The Role of the State in Economic Change Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995 (co-editor: Bob Rowthorn)
  3. Institutions and the Role of the State Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 2000 (co-editors: Ana Celia Castro and Leonardo Burlamaqui)
  4. Financial Liberalisation and the Asian Crisis Palgrave (Macmillan), Basingstoke and New York, 2001 (co-editors: Gabriel Palma and Hugh Whittaker)
  5. The Rebel Within: Joseph Stiglitz and the World Bank Anthem Press, London 2001 (a collection of writings by Joseph Stiglitz during his tenure at the World Bank, edited with a commentary by Ha-Joon Chang)
  6. Rethinking Development Economics Anthem Press, London, 2003
  7. Brazil and South Korea: Economic Crisis and Restructuring Institute of Latin American Studies, London, and the Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 2004 (co-editor: Edmund Amann)
  8. The Politics of Trade and Industrial Policy in Africa: Forced Consensus?, Trenton, New Jersey and Asmara, Eritria, Africa World Press, 2004 (co-editors: Charles Soludo and Osita Ogbu)
  9. Institutional Change and Economic Development United Nations University Press, Tokyo, and Anthem Press, London, 2007
  10. Public Policy in Agriculture in Historical Perspective, Routledge, Abingdon, 2011